Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Ibn-e-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  Democracy as a system of government

1.Is a panacea for all political evils

2. Is a perfect government

3.Has its merits as well as demerits

4.Is fact declining

  Landsgemeinde is a device  which enables:

1.The people to recall their representatives if they do not act according to their wishes

2.The adult citizens to take direct part in the solution to the affairs facing their area

3.The local self-government institutions to work efficiently

4.The people to remove the corrupt judges

  Lord Bryce defines democracy as:

1.A form of government in which the will of majority of qualified rules.

2.The progress of all through all under the leadership of the best and the wisest.

3.Government by the freely chosen representatives of the people and not by the people themselves.

4. Nothing more than an experiment in government.

  The chief contribution of Green to the Liberal theory of democracy was:

1.Emphasis on collective well-being as condition of individual freedom

2.Emphasis on absolute freedom of individual

3.Absolute powers for the state

4.None of the above

  The concept of tyranny of majority in democracy is advocated by:



3.Thomas Paine

4.De Tocqueville

  The Pluralist theory of democracy is associated with




4.All the above three

  There are a number of devices of direct democracy. The two most popular of these devices are:

1. Referendum and initiative

2.Elections and Political Parties

3.Political Parties and Press

4. Landsgemeinde and Parliament

  Which one of the following ancient thinkers regarded democracy as a perverted form of government?





  Which one of the following points given below as merits of democracy has been wrongly listed?

1. Democracy promotes general welfare

2.Democracy averts revolutions

3.Democracy leads to frequent changes in the policy of government

4.Democracy promotes patriotism

  Which one of the following statements is not correct? The successful working of democracy depends on:

1.Presence of political parties based on political and economic principles

2.Presence of educated electorate

3.Presence of a strong propertied class

4.Presence of a vigorous system of local government

  Which one of the following theories of democracy accords high priority to the political rights of citizens

1.Pluralist Theory of Democracy

2.Elitist Theory of Democracy

3.Marxist Theory of Democracy

4.Liberal Theory of Democracy

  Which one of the following thinkers is connected with the Elitist theory?

1.Vilfredo Pareto


3.Robert Michels

4.All the three

  Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to economic rights of citizens?

1.Marxist Theory

2.Elitist theory

3.Pluralist Theory

4.All the above

 Direct democracy is not possible in modern times because:

1.People are indifferent towards the affairs of state

2.Political parties are opposed to it

3.Propertied classes are opposed to it

4. Of the practical difficulties posed by the size and population of modem states

 Initiative is a device of direct democracy  which confers a right on the people:

1.Tosuggest candidates for appointment to various offices

2.To suggest legislative measures which the legislature is not enacting

3.To reject the laws passed b the legislature

4. To seek judicial opinion regarding the constitutionality of laws enacted by the legislature

 Lord Bryce has written  That form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested  not in any particular class  but in the members of the community as a whole . Which form of government he is referring to?


2.Parliamentary government

3.Federal government

4.Unitary government

 The elitist theory believes in leaving the formulation and implementation of policy in the hands of:

1. Elected representatives of the people

2.Permanent civil servants

3. An elite class

4.A body composed of all the above three

 The Elitist theory of democracy rejects the view that:

1. Democracy is a rule of the majority

2. Democracy is a government by a select group of people

3.Democracy is the best form of government

4.In Democracy the moral worth of the individual is recognized

 Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Marxian democracy?

1.It stands for popular control over the means of production and distribution

2.It lays emphasis on economic freedom

3.It shall work on the basis of decisions taken through consensus

4.It should work through representative Parliaments

 Which one of the following is wrongly listed as a feature of Liberal theory of democracy?

1.It emphasises that the power rests with the people

2. It holds that common interest can be realised only through democratic government

3.It concedes to the people the right to oppose the state

4.It does not give any power to the people to oppose the authority of the state

 Who of the following thinkers tried to combine the elitist theory with Marxism?

1. Robert Michels

2. B. James Burham

3.Vilfredo Pareto

4.None of the above

Democracy as a system of government is based on the principle of:

1.Majority rule

2.Absolute liberty

3.End justifies the means

4.Quality rule

Democracy is distinguished from dictatorship by the fact that

1.It aims at the material good of the people

2.It ensures social justice

3. It guarantees civil and political rights

4.It is responsive to the will of the people

Democracy is rule of:



3.Members of Parliament



1.The positions of control and decision-making mechanism in the political system are always occupied by a small group of individuals

2. There is no competition and adjustment among the various elite groups existing in a society

3.The elite groups are well-organised

4.The elite group generally tries to protect its own interests

he Pluralist theory of democracy is:

1. Against separation of powers

2.Against periodical elections

3.In favour of elections because they help in gauging public opinion

4.Against decentralisation of authority

Plebiscite is a device of democracy used for: 

1.Enactment of laws

2. Ascertaining the views of people on a policy matter of public importance

3.Appointment of civil servants

4.Appointment of judges

Referendum is a device of direct democracy  which authorises the people:

1.To direct the Legislature to enact laws desired by them

2. To demand reference of laws passed by the legislature to people

3.To refer the bill to the Court to ascertain its constitutional validity

4. To request the head of the state to withhold signature on the bill passed bythe legislature

The concept of  power elite  is connected with:



3.C. Wright Mills

4.James Burham

The Economic aspects of democracy have been emphasised by constitutionality of laws enacted by

1.Liberal Theory of Democracy

2.Marxian Theory of Democracy

3.Both Marxian and Liberal

4.Theories of Democracy

The Elitist theory holds that the power is always concentrated in the hands of:

1.Priestly class

2.Military class

3.Civil Servants

4.A small group of elites

The exponents of elitist theory

1.Believe in political equality

2.Believe in equality between ruler and ruled

3.Do not believe in equality between ruler and ruled

4.Believe in all the above three principles

The Pluralist theory of democracy holds that:

1.The state is the source of all authority and all groups draw from it

2.The power in society is shared by the government and other groups

3.Political power cannot be divided among various groups associations etc.

4.None of the above

The two forms of democracy are:

1.Parliamentary and Presidential

2.Direct and indirect

3.Monarchical and Republican

4.None of the above

The two words  demos  and  cratia  from which democracy draws its origin belong to:

1.Latin language

2.Greek language

3.French language

4.Spanish language

To a socialist democracy means a society in which:

1.Inequalities of wealth should be removed by state action

2.All the means of production and distribution are owned by the state

3.Free enterprise and state enterprise exist side by side

4.No body is without work

Which one of the following conditions essential for the smooth working of democracy has been wrongly listed?

1.Universal suffrage

2.Free elections

3.Minority rule

4.Presence of opposition

Which one of the following criticisms holds good for Western democracy?

1.It promotes apathy towards Politics

2. It is characterised by vast socioeconomic inequalities

3.It leads to monopoly over the means of communications

4. All the above

Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Liberal Democracy? 

1.Party system

2.Periodic Elections

3.Fundamental Rights

4.Democratic Centralism

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.The press in democracy must be free and impartial

2.The press in democracy must be committed to the policies of the government

3.Appointment of civil servants

4.Appointment of judges

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Pluralist theory of democracy insists on separation of powers

2.Pluralist theory of democracy emphasises need of territorial decentralisation of authority

3.Pluralist theory of democracy favours introduction of self-government

4.Pluralist theory of democracy is opposed to frequent elections

Which one of the following thinkers emphasised the principles of adult franchise  representative government  freedom of press and frequent elections  which form the cornerstone of Liberal theory of democracy?




4.All the three

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a critic of democracy?





Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a feature of Marxian democracy?

1.Provision for recall of the representatives

2.Elected Judiciary

3. Dominant role of leaders in preserving the system

4. Emphasis on political freedom

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as an essential attribute of democracy?

1.Freedom of speech

2.Freedom of religion

3.Equality before law

4.Equality of property

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as contribution of Rousseau to the Liberal theory of democracy? 

1.General Welfare

2.Natural Equality

3.Consent of people as basis of state

4.Inalienable right of individual to determine their affairs

Who defined democracy as  a government in which everyone has a share ?




4.Abraham Lincoln

Who defined democracy as  Government of the people  by the people  for the people ? 

1.Woodrow Wilson

2.Lord Bryce

3.Abraham Lincoln


who of the following philosophers championed the cause of direct democracy?





Who said   Democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorising governments or in some other way getting laws and political decision made. 


2. J.S.Mill

3.Joseph Schumpeter



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